Advanced SystemCare Edition The World’s Top System Utility for Superior PC Health. Advanced SystemCare (formerly Advanced WinodwsCare Professional) provides an always-on, automated, all-in-one PC Healthcare Service with anti-spyware, privacy protection, performance tune-ups, and system cleaning capabilities. This powerful and award-winning precision tool fixes stubborn errors, cleans out clutter, optimizes internet and download speeds, ensures personal security and maintains maximum computer performance automatically.
Screenshot :

Features :
- Scan and remove spyware and adware with the latest definition
- Prevent spyware, hijackers and bad websites from being installed
- Erase the history of all activities in your computer
- Scan and fix invalid and improper registry entries
- Detect and remove invalid startup items
- Search and Clean up unused Windows garbage
- Repair system configurations, Eliminate System Bottlenecks and Prevent Crashes
- Tune up Windows to improve both system and Internet performance, unleash the power of your Windows
- Analyze and Show detailed information of hardware and Windows
- Finish all Work with one click, Super Easy to Use.
Change Log :
- Updated database for Malware Removal for better security
- Updated database for Privacy Sweep for better privacy protection
- Updated database for Surfing Protection for safer online surfing and searching
- Updated multiple languages to the latest
- Updated and optimized multiple tools in Toolbox
- Added Support for Windows 8.1
- Fixed general bugs.
Download :
How to Install :
- Buka asc-setup.exe, Install seperti biasa
- Klik Upgrade dan masukkan serial dibawah ini [Recommended] :
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